2021 . 04 . 06
Will China Become Hooked On CBD Beauty Products?
A detailed article on the potential of CBD-based beauty products in the Chinese market
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2021 . 04 . 06
A detailed article on the potential of CBD-based beauty products in the Chinese market
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2021 . 04 . 06
Experts predict Beauty will bounce back from COVID-19 sooner than Fashion, thanks to resiliency, effective online strategies, and being in-tune with the consumer.
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2021 . 04 . 06
Es sence Collection is a new line of alcohol-free products, customizable according to color, texture and fragrance with ingredients with beneficial properties. Read the article to find out more
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2021 . 04 . 06
The mania of constantly buying cosmetics, fueled by influencers, leads to the accumulation of hundreds of products that will never be used all by the expiration date. This excessive beauty ritual will soon be supplanted by the so-called skinimalism, the tendency to have fewer products avoiding waste and unnecessary duplication of products with the same functionality
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2021 . 04 . 06
Interesting interview with François Duquesne on the distribution of perfumery in the USA which outlines the role of concept stores in recent years.
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2021 . 04 . 02
Have you ever wondered what the court of Louis XIV smelled like? How about the canals In Amsterdam? Even the gritty underbelly of city streets in 19th century London could be revealing. ODEUROPA is tackling this massive undertaking by creating an olfactory archive which will document smells from the 1600’s to the early 20th Century in Europe. But how? And why?
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2021 . 04 . 02
Dear reader,
We hereby invite you to partecipate in the next survey dedicated to the artistic perfumery sector.
We'd love to hear about your experience!
Your contribution will help us create a report, which will be presented on our website, aimed at making the world of fragrances even more exciting and more in line with customer wishes, and at identifying the strategies for the development of the business of independent brands, retailers and independent perfumeries.
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2021 . 03 . 30
Perhaps not everyone knows that indole contributes to giving white flowers that seductive and attractive aura. But ... what does indole smell like? Where is it? How is it used in perfumery? How is it perceived by the human being? Read the article to find out more!
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2021 . 03 . 30
In this period dominated by the pandemic, the Chinese beauty market has not only been able to stay afloat but even grow thanks to the so-called "live-stream shopping", which allows manufacturers or brand owners to stay in close contact with their customers and communicate directly with them thanks to the use of some applications and platforms. This article reports interesting data on the subject and ends with a brief overview of the impact of the second wave of Covid on the world market.
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2021 . 03 . 30
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have managed to record and map how the ingredients used in the creation of perfumes are perceived. Scientists can now predict the smell of any complex fragrance based only on its molecular structure. This study could not only revolutionize the world of perfumery, but also allow to digitize and reproduce smells on command ...
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