Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2021 . 12 . 03 selected by Editorial Board




Givaudan to acquire Custom Essence

As part of the 2025 strategy and the goal of expanding the fragrance business, Givaudan announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Custom Essence, a US-based natural fragrance company.

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To stay up to date on the moves of the big names in the sector

2021 . 11 . 30 selected by Editorial Board





‘Edible Beauty’: Hyaluronic Acid Foods are Taking off in China

Edible products with collagen and now with hyaluronic acid (HA) are becoming increasingly appearing on the Chinese market. No longer just food supplements but also tempting gummy candies and thirst-quenching drinks contain these ingredients once a legacy of cosmetics. This could become an important trend in the Asian market because, according to Chinese culture, medicines and foods should share the same source ...

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Incredibly interesting new trend

2021 . 11 . 30 selected by Editorial Board





Perfumer Workshop: Layering Natural Fragrances + Part 1 Draw  

Some independent perfumers debate whether it is appropriate to do perfume layering and how to do it correctly. A way to create, without causing disasters, your own very personal perfume ...

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Let's discover the different opinions of some perfumers on layering

2021 . 11 . 26 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content





Back in the early 2000’s when I was the fragrance buyer at Sephora US, I met Bernard Naim, President of Panouge, at the Tax Free World show in Cannes when I was searching for fragrances that would be completely new to the US market. As happens so often in the artistic fragrance world, that initial encounter evolved into a long term working relationship and friendship. Little did I know that Bernard and his team are behind the development of their brands from conception to distribution, and all the steps in between. Eager to get the inside story behind the company and the method, we caught up after the 2021 Tax Free Show, nearly 20 years after our initial meeting.

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Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2021 . 11 . 26 selected by Editorial Board





Maxime Baud: “I’d like ScenTree to become a ‘social Wikipedia’ of perfumery raw materials”

An interview with Maxime Baud, one of the founders of ScenTree, an online classification tool for raw materials used in perfumery for professionals.

Would you like to know more? Read our interview: SCENTREE: Exploring the many branches of fragrance ingredients (

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Excellent initiative to support.

2021 . 11 . 26 selected by Editorial Board




Upcycling and transparency: J.U.S Parfums successfully plays with trends

Artistic Director and designer Thierry de Baschmakoff incorporates the principles of sustainability and a straightforward, honest approach with his niche fragrance brand

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An example of a niche brand that rides the wave of eco-sustainability
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2021 . 11 . 23 written by Laurence Arrigo Klove

Essencional's original content




Caron Paris, Let the Music Play

Since 1904, Caron has played a powerful and clear instrument called talent. Bold and daring creations come out of this beautiful music. We are all ears to its beauty.

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2021 . 11 . 23 selected by Editorial Board



Fragrance lovers

Hinako Sugioka Israel of Shikō Beauty: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry

The advice of the great entrepreneur Hinako Sugioka Israel on how to be successful in the modern beauty sector

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Very good and interesting article.
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2021 . 11 . 23 selected by Editorial Board

Fragrance lovers




The Co-Founders Bottling the Scents of the Southwest

Curious interview with the owners of the Ayond brand who answer in an interesting way to questions about the role of smells in their life and experience

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A dip in the perfumed world of smells

2021 . 11 . 19 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content





Americans have had a long standing love affair with Italy for many years, probably dating back to the 1950’s with Cinecittà, Sofia Loren and the concept of “la Dolce Vita”. So when Mozzafiato, a new eCommerce site dedicated to the finest Italian beauty, fragrance, grooming and home brands, launched in the US last year, it was bound to be met with open arms and amore at first click. At a time when Americans couldn’t travel to Italy due to lockdowns, what may have seemed like an inopportune moment to launch, turned out to be great timing. While sheltering at home, people could enjoy brands they knew and loved while discovering new ones, bringing a bit of Italy into their lives. To find out more, I contacted Mozzafiato’s founder and CEO, Amy Parsons, for an exclusive interview.

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