Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 05 . 01 written by Silvio Levi

Essencional's original content


When I started to deal with Artistic Perfumery in 1994, coming from a completely different environment and professional experience, I realized immediately that an identity of the sector did not already exist: the operators acted in a scattered order and a community was far from having been built, except for random groups of consumers and for some relationships between distributors and shopkeepers that went beyond just the commercial aspect.

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2020 . 05 . 01 selected by Editorial Board




Cosmetics Business reveals 5 key trends shaping the rise of beauty activism

If until a short time ago there where only a few exemplary cases, today more and more beauty brands are dedicating themselves to activism becoming spokesman of ideologies, political and social thoughts and creating their own campaigns and uniting and strengthening their community around these issues.
After an excursus that highlights various examples of brands that have given rise to significant initiatives, the article summarizes 5 key trends shaping the rise of beauty activism: charitable campaigns, reclaiming regulations, anti-conformist beauty, call-out culture and political activism.

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An interesting and in-depth article about the theme of beauty activism.

2020 . 05 . 01 selected by Editorial Board



Smells Right: Why Fragrance is the next step in the gender neutral frontier

Today’s young people ask to be recognized for their individuality, their needs and desires, not for their gender or sexual orientation. So, a trend already present in the fashion market has made its important and significant appearance in the world of perfumes, giving life to olfactory creations not assigned to a gender or a time.

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A close-up on one of the trends of recent years: gender neutral

2020 . 05 . 01 selected by Editorial Board



Library 2019

Tomorrow's trends

What could tomorrow’s trends be? An insightful article on what the market’s future might look like.

You can find the article at pages 88-89

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An overview of some of the trends that might dominate the future market.
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 05 . 01 selected by Editorial Board



Library 2019

Selfridges gives consumers control of fragrance creation at new pop-up

An innovative and eco-sustainable way to allow customers to create their own bespoke perfume choosing from more than 50,000 scent combinations.

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A new initiative to allow consumers to create customizable products.

2020 . 05 . 01 selected by Editorial Board




Four Must-dos for Perfume Brand design & marketing

To make sure that they are successful and to win over customers, brands should: pay close attention to packaging, focus on the personalization of products and services, allow and encourage the discovery of new fragrances with discovery kits and similar initiatives and make history of the brand stand out through events and initiatives that involve and attract the consumers.

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Four ideas for your brand to consider in order to guarantee a constant momentum or a return to riding the wave.
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2020 . 04 . 28 selected by Editorial Board



Library 2019

The Hows & Whys: GlobalData explains four 2020 Beauty Trends

This article presents four beauty trends of this year: the demand for products that protect against air polluton or that have CBD/Cannabidiol as an ingredient, the tendency of consumers to identify essential products and eliminate the use of excess ones and the willingness to use products that promote beneficial functions both physically and mentally.

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This article presents four beauty trends of 2020.

2020 . 04 . 28 selected by Editorial Board





Is your brand ready? Marketing through OTT Messaging

OTT, or “over-the-top,” are media services that allow people to send instant messages back and forth through the Internet. They include Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and the direct message (“DM”) capabilities on Instagram and Twitter.

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Exploring Companies’ approach toward OTT and DM as strategic tools for their marketing strategy
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 04 . 28 selected by Editorial Board





The trend predictor: Wendy Liebmann

The trend predictor Wendy Liebmann explain the near future changes in the business: the shift... from acquiring things to buying happiness. Customers are more committed to give a value to their time and what will be not easy to buy doesn’t deserve their attention. Fragrances will be more and more selected according to the emotional value….

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A clear vision on possible main changes in fragrances retail

2020 . 04 . 24 selected by Editorial Board



Cosmetics Reform Bill Approved but Prognosis is Low

A law that provides that cosmetics ingredients are approved and registered by the U.​S. Food and Drug Administ­ration (FDA) before entering the market was previously non-existent. Progress has been made with the approval of the Cosmetics Reform Bill but its prognosis is thought to be low.

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An insight on the American Cosmetics Reform Bill.